The Image tool lets you insert on the template. Unlike the Dynamic image tool, the Image tool only allows static images.
You can add images from one of these sources:
- Media gallery
- Unsplash
Keybord shortcut : I
Inserting an image from Unsplash
Upon creating the image layer, click the Browse Unsplash button under the Image panel.
This will popup an overlay from where you can type a keyword and search for images.
Click any image you like to use it within the layer.
Image fit: Cover vs Contain
An image will be contained withing its bounding box. However, you need to pick the right image fit to obtain the desired result.
Image fit: Contain
The contain mode will ensure that the orginal image is fully visible (without cropping), but will not necessarily fill the whole bounding box.
Image fit: Cover
The cover mode will fill the whole bounding box available. This mode will most likely crop the image and zoom it if the image is too small.